*Centralia, Illinois artist: Skiddalz has a new single "OMG" produced by Hardley Davidson, will be playing on MTV's Jersey Shore next season on the second episode! (August 5th) It will have a slot for 25 seconds when the cast is leaving the club and getting into the taxi to go home
You’re reading this because you want to know more about me. But, what could be so interesting to know about a fat, white girl that raps? Well, for starters… I am going to change music forever.
My name is Angel Graham, but you may know me better as the aspiring hip-pop artist, Skiddalz. I was born on June 11, 1989 and raised in the small town of Centralia, Illinois. Nope, the name of my town doesn’t ring a bell in anyone’s ear; but the city that my cornfield town is closest to, and where I got my start in the music business does. That city (known for its Midwest swing and country grammar) is known as… yep, you guessed it… St. Louis, Missouri. But, before I made it to the Lou, before all the music... I was just a shy, quirky kid with hopes of one day becoming a basketball star and an internationally-known beat boxer that could write poetry. It’s funny how fate took me to where I am now…
I grew up in a low-income family and earning money was an everyday struggle. My parents were hard workers, but no matter how many hours they put in, my family always came up short in the financial department. Being broke and poor was all I knew, but even at an early age I wanted more for my future. For all of my life I’ve always had a dream. I’ve always set my goals high and believed I was destined for something greater. From owning countless athletic trophies, being a star player on an undefeated high school basketball team, to being the human beat boxer phenomenon for all of my school peers… I knew the only place I was meant to be was the spotlight. But, like everything in life, finding my place in the spotlight came at its own price.
As soon as everything started going great for me in sports, everything else around me started plummeting down. Some of my close relatives passed away and around the same time my mom picked up a habit of doing what she likes to call her "crazy meds". At this point I am 15 years old, dealing with gaining weight, quitting sports, and learning how to cope with the separation of my parents and my mother having a mental disorder that drove our relationship apart. I had nothing. The only things I had were emotions, and the only way I could express them was through a pen, notebook paper, and hip-hop. I caged myself off from the world in my room where all I had time for was to write, rap and record how I felt onto my ice-aged computer. I didn’t know that the hardships I was facing within myself then would soon turn out to be the cause of my love for music and my future career.
In late 2006 when I was 17, my music finally got noticed through the internet by a manager in St. Louis. He invited me to my first show, and my dad believed enough in me and drove me 80 miles to give the crowd my 3 minute stage performance. The crowd scratched their head and laughed at first sight of me, and then immediately fell in love as I spit the first bar of my song. From then on I knew I was meant to share my talent and music with the world. It was a wrap from there. I worked hard, made some great accomplishments already, and there’s no stopping here. All it takes is one more person to believe in the same dream I’ve always had to make it true.